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Gynecomastia Surgery in Brooklyn, NY

Gynecomastia Surgery Brooklyn

Brooklyn Gynecomastia Surgery | Male Breast Reduction at Nathan Molina MD

Don’t Let Anything Hold You Back

At Nathan Molina MD, we specialize in a range of procedures to meet the needs of all patients. Gynecomastia is when men develop extra tissue in the chest area, creating the appearance of breasts.

It can have a variety of causes, from hormonal changes to lifestyle factors or underlying health conditions. Addressing the root causes can be an essential step in treatment. Surgical options are also available to reduce existing tissue and create flatter, more masculine-looking chest contours. Dr. Molina is a highly trained surgeon providing individualized gynecomastia care to patients from Brooklyn and beyond. Learn more about this condition and surgical treatment options below, or schedule a consultation with Dr. Molina today for a customized treatment plan.

What is Gynecomastia?

A More Masculine Profile

Gynecomastia is a medical condition characterized by enlarged breast tissue in males, which can be a source of physical discomfort and psychological distress. Gynecomastia often arises due to hormonal imbalances, particularly an increase in estrogen relative to testosterone. When it occurs during puberty, it may resolve on its own. In adulthood, gynecomastia can also be caused by medications, underlying health issues, or various lifestyle factors. Treatment options may include addressing the underlying cause and performing cosmetic surgery to remove excess tissue and give the chest a flatter appearance.

What is Male Breast Reduction?

A Precise Solution

Dr. Molina specializes in gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction, to create a flatter, more masculine chest contour. The surgery involves the removal of excess fat and glandular tissue through liposuction and surgical excision. These cosmetic improvements can improve confidence, helping patients lead a more active, engaged life.

Gynecomastia Surgery Brooklyn

What are the benefits of Male Breast Reduction?

Better Body Confidence

Male breast reduction, or gynecomastia surgery can enhance self-confidence and body image, relieving the emotional distress often associated with gynecomastia. Restoring a flatter, more masculine chest contour can help individuals feel more pride in their appearance, encouraging a more active and fulfilling lifestyle. The results are usually long-lasting, provided a healthy lifestyle and consistent weight are maintained. Dr. Molina tailors every procedure to individual needs, ensuring the best outcome.

Your Male Breast Reduction Consultation

Leading Care for Brooklyn

For our patients in Brooklyn gynecomastia surgery is an important decision that deserves careful consideration. To receive a personalized assessment and information about treatment options, schedule your consultation with Dr. Nathan Molina. He will answer your questions and offer individualized guidance on the results you can expect to achieve should you pursue surgery. Our team is committed to providing high-quality surgical care that empowers residents of Brooklyn and beyond to achieve their best body for a better quality of life.

Gynecomastia Surgery Brooklyn

Your Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Custom Correction

Gynecomastia surgery is an outpatient procedure, with general anesthesia administered for comfort. Dr. Molina creates incisions in discrete locations, such as around the edge of the areola or in the natural chest creases. Depending on the composition of the excess tissue, liposuction may be used to remove fatty deposits, while surgical excision may be employed to remove glandular tissue. Incisions are then carefully closed using expert techniques to minimize the appearance of scars.

Male Breast Reduction Recovery and Aftercare

Get Back to You

After gynecomastia surgery Brooklyn patients will need to wear a compression garment to aid in healing and reduce swelling. Recovery times vary but generally involve a few weeks of limited activity, with full results becoming more apparent as post-operative swelling subsides. It's vital to follow the post-operative instructions we provide and attend all your follow-up visits so that we can check the progress of your healing. Following recovery guidelines ensures you obtain the best possible outcome from the surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery Brooklyn

Male Breast Reduction Results

Seize Your Day

It can take several months for the swelling to fully resolve and for the chest to settle into its permanent shape. During this time, your results will continue to improve. The final results of male breast reduction surgery are typically seen around six months to a year after the procedure. At this point, your chest should have a flatter, more masculine contour, and any scarring should have faded significantly. With gynecomastia surgery Brooklyn patients can see permanent results provided that they address any underlying causes of excess breast tissue. Maintaining a stable weight will also ensure lasting improvements in the appearance of the chest, helping you put gynecomastia behind you and enjoy improved confidence.

Gynecomastia Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

What causes gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia, a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue, can manifest at any stage of life. This condition may arise due to hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition, obesity, or the use of certain medications.

Are the results of male breast reduction permanent?

The results of male breast reduction surgery are typically long-lasting and often permanent, provided a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle are maintained. However, factors like significant weight gain, certain medical conditions, or medications that affect hormone levels can potentially lead to a recurrence of gynecomastia. It's essential to follow post-operative care instructions and make lifestyle choices that support the preservation of your improved chest contour.

Will there be visible scarring?

Dr. Molina will make incisions in inconspicuous locations to minimize visible scarring. Over time, scars often fade and become less noticeable. While some scarring is common, the goal is to ensure that it's discreet and doesn't significantly affect the overall appearance of the chest. We can discuss scar management options and expectations with you during your consultation.

Get in touch with us

Explore Your Options

Ready to learn more about your Brooklyn plastic surgery options? Get started by scheduling a personal consultation with Dr. Nathan Molina. He will spend time getting to know you, listening to your goals, and formulating recommendations individualized to you. From the moment you step into our beautiful practice, you will know that you have entered a welcoming space where you will be respected and supported with expert care throughout your journey of transformation.

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