(718) 208-4577 Appointment

Meet Dr. Nathan Molina in Brooklyn, NY

Meet Dr. Nathan Molina

Dr. Molina is a highly-trained plastic surgeon specializing in both surgical and non-surgical aesthetic procedures for patients of all ages and genders.

His journey into plastic surgery was inspired by a lifelong love of helping people, combined with a passion for artistic and aesthetic expression. He holds a Bachelor of Science from Yale and a Medical Degree from UC-Irvine. Following his medical education, Dr. Molina completed a six-year Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery residency at Mount Sinai Hospital.

He also contributed to medical missions, performing surgeries such as cleft palate and breast reconstruction in Vietnam. As an accomplished former college athlete and aspiring ceramicist, Dr. Molina brings diverse interests to aesthetics along with technical expertise. However, his greatest passion lies in helping patients undergo thoughtful transformations that inspire newfound confidence and self-actualization.

Get in touch with us

Explore Your Options

Ready to learn more about your Brooklyn plastic surgery options? Get started by scheduling a personal consultation with Dr. Nathan Molina. He will spend time getting to know you, listening to your goals, and formulating recommendations individualized to you. From the moment you step into our beautiful practice, you will know that you have entered a welcoming space where you will be respected and supported with expert care throughout your journey of transformation.

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