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Blog Nathan Molina MD

Reducing Scars After Gynecomastia Surgery


Scarring is a natural part of the healing process after any surgery, but there are ways to minimize the appearance of scars following gynecomastia surgery. This post will discuss the best practices and techniques for scar minimization, helping you achieve the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Surgical Techniques to Minimize Scarring:

  • Small Incisions:I use the smallest incisions possible, often hidden in natural creases of the chest or around the areola, to minimize visible scarring.
  • Refined Surgical Technique: With careful planning of your incisions and precise multi- layer suturing, I can reduce the tension on the skin which helps prevent wide or raised scars.

Post-Surgery Care:

  • Follow Post-Operative Instructions:Adhering to your post-operative care instructions is crucial for proper healing and scar minimization. This will be discussed in more detail during your consultation.
  • Wear Compression Garments: Wearing a compression garment as directed can help reduce swelling, support healing tissues, and discourage abnormal scar formation.

Scar Treatments and Therapies:

  • Silicone Sheets and Gels: Silicone sheets and gels are widely recommended for scar treatment. They work by hydrating the scar tissue, reducing redness, and flattening raised scars over time.
  • Massage Therapy: Gently massaging the scarred area can improve blood flow and break down dense scar tissue, leading to a flatter and softer scar.
  • Topical Treatments: Certain topical treatments, such as those containing onion extract, vitamin E, or retinoids, can help reduce the appearance of scars.
  • Steroid Injections: For scars that are slightly thicker than average (“hypertrophic scars”), a steroid can be injected directly into the scar tissue to help soften it.

Advanced Scar Reduction Techniques:

  • Laser Therapy, Microneedling, Nanofat Grafting: In very rare cases where severe hypertrophic scars develop, these modalities can be used to improve the appearance.
  • Scar Revision: Sometimes the simplest and most effective way to treat abnormal scarring is to excise it (cut it out) and re-close the skin.


For most men, gynecomastia surgery results in a small scar along the bottom half of the areola that is naturally camouflaged and minimally visible with basic post-operative scar.

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Ready to learn more about your Brooklyn plastic surgery options? Get started by scheduling a personal consultation with Dr. Nathan Molina. He will spend time getting to know you, listening to your goals, and formulating recommendations individualized to you. From the moment you step into our beautiful practice, you will know that you have entered a welcoming space where you will be respected and supported with expert care throughout your journey of transformation.

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